I recently downloaded trial version of PGP command line to try encryption and if it is good will recommend my engineering team for implementing this. But i was successful in generating a key and also encrypting and decrypting the files in command prompt.
Command used for encryption
pgp --encrypt "C:\Users\sdhang00\Desktop\Sample.xlsx" --recipient "SAMPLEKEY"
Command used for decryption
pgp --decrypt --input "C:\Users\sdhang00\Desktop\Sample.xlsx.pgp" --passphrase "sampletest123"
This works fine when executed from command prompt. If i have the same commands in batch script and i execute it would do anything.
Batch Script
pgp --encrypt "C:\Users\sdhang00\Desktop\Sample.xlsx" --recipient "SAMPLEKEY"
move "C:\Users\sdhang00\Desktop\Sample.xlsx" "C:\Users\sdhang00\Desktop\Sample1.xlsx"
pgp --decrypt --input "C:\Users\sdhang00\Desktop\Sample.xlsx.pgp" --passphrase "sampletest123"
Can anyone help me with this