I'm unable to decrypt a file on HP UX but am able to decrypt on IBM AIX using the same exact same PGP command line version and the exact same key pair imported on the exact same file.
The key pair was generated from IPSwitch so it's open source. Version, BCPG v1.46
If I generate my own key pair on HP UX I can encrypt and decrypt just fine - it's just with this imported key pair that it's not decrypting. Again same process on AIX decrypts without issues.
--dump-packets is successful and identical between servers
Verbose debug output from unsuccessful decrypt
/inbound> pgp --decrypt ABCFILE.txt.pgp --passphrase XXXXXX --debug --verbose
pgp:decrypt (3157:current local time 2014-10-03T14:02:00-05:00)
/XXXXX/.pgp/pubring.pkr:open keyrings (1006:public keyring)
/XXXXX/.pgp/secring.skr:open keyrings (1007:private keyring)
Decoding ABCFILE.txt.pgp...
armor header
ABCFILE.txt.pgp:decrypt (3188:Version, BCPG v1.46)
begin lex event
file is encrypted
file is asymmetrically encrypted
trying passphrase
ABCFILE.txt.pgp:decrypt (3090:operation failed, encrypted session key is bad)
Decode complete
Any help would be appreciated.